Lyric discussion by soignees 

It's <i>buzzards</i> (as in the bird) not buzzers. The singer's English accent softens the ending of the word, so I guess why some people hear buzzer.

It makes sense for buzzards to circle above a car, since that's what they do; they love roads, easy access to roadkill since a buzzard is an opportunistic (read: lazy) hunter.

This song just evokes lovely, happy memories of driving through Devon and Cornwall for me, it seems so very English countryside. Happy holidays in

There's a kind of insect whose name is Buzzer. If you are not familiar with it, I'll give you two links to two different kinds of them. And, if you had ever seen one you'd know they really like flying in circles as if they were just chasing themselves. Here're the links:


But, after I read your explanation and the "buzzards" explanation, I really think it makes more sense, because of the continuity of the lyric, when she says:

"Circling us as if they knew If I fall down if I fall down Darling will you reel me in? If I lose it if I lose it"

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