Lyric discussion by Hope42012 

Well I came across this song cuz I happened to be the girl he played it to. In a way I wanted to share my side. Tis song so applies to "us". In our case I am in a relationship I can't simply get out (so I give myself away, but not to him) I can feel the pain he is suffering seeing me "give myself away" and all I can give him is my heart at the moment but he wants more. However he also saw the "stone in my eyes" and "thorns" meaning he knows the situation I'm in and my pains. So he's not the only one whose hurting. We've gone through some serious "storms" and hopefully now reached the "shore". Wait with or without me - I think he has decided to wait whether he gets me eventually soon or not in a long while, cuz there's nothing else he wants to do. He can't live with me (yet...) but he can't without me. Well in our situation for me...I've come to realize that I can't live with or without him too. Probably that is all the more reason he wants to wait or I make him wait.(either way) God is the picture in our case. So we can only look to Him in our unique situation...and we want to do the right thing.

Literally. Everything you wrote is what happened to me. It's amazing how we both had to deal with the same situation and how it ended the same way. My ex and I had been together for 2 years. His faith in God was so much stronger than mine when we first started going out. Then over the years it faded. I noticed but didn't really do anything but talk. I was the one trying to pick him back up but he just refused. He ended up not wanting to follow God at all. It seemed like God literally meant nothing...

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