Lyric discussion by lnzrog 

Such a beautiful song.... here's my interpretation- I'm surprised nobody has suggested the same yet:

I find this to be about holding onto a past relationship and placing your happiness in another's hands. She knows the way she feels is "wrong" but she still can't help it.... sometimes you know you need to let go of someone or you see your own flaws but you can't bring yourself to get over it. The line about keeping her baby teeth suggests that she's sentimental and has always had a hard time with letting go of the past, and the "you still sleep in the bed with me" suggests that she's still not over a past lover. The ex is probably just trying to be friends, but she doesn't want that... she already has more friends than she can keep up with as it is... she just needs someone to love. I don't really understand the civilian reference at the end either.

Can't get this off repeat. I wish I didn't relate to these lyrics so much...

I think you're spot on with this. That's about the gist of what I was thinking, but you tied all the ends together too.

Gah, exactly what I was thinking, only more thorough. :)

You're spot on.

I think 'civilian' refers to the fact both she and her partner have gone on to become just people to each other (because they can't be lovers or friends). Much like when you're discharged or leave the army or a police force - these groups literally form life-partnerships, because their lives will sometimes depend on each other's support - , you go on to be "just a civilian."

That's my take on it.

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