Lyric discussion by ironcatastrophe 

"I need your money, It'll help me. I need your car, and I need your love. -- Won't you help a brother out?" ^ She feels like a beggar here. Not that she's homeless. Yeah, we divide up our cars and our money when we get divorced, but as some commenters mention, the biggest gaping loss is knowing they don't love you anymore.

I dunno, I almost feel like she's pointing to the futility of begging for love.

"Just break me to small parts; let go in small doses" - let's take this separation thing slowly. Nevermind that you can't love ALL of me anymore -- there are parts of me you'd still find useful!

I didn't feel this way so much in the divorce, but I did feel A LOT like this in my first post-divorce relationship -- and still feel that way sometimes as far as being a bit of a useful spare part for that guy. He doesn't want me, but he hangs onto bits and pieces of the relationship anyway while I futilely beg for his love, Aye, that's gotta stop.

Oh, and you know what? As long as someone's broken me to small parts and is hoarding the ones they find useful while discarding the rest -- it makes it practically impossible to get in a REAL relationship.

I need to take back those parts for me so I can be whole on my own.

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