Lyric discussion by Chidsuey 

The first thing I note about the song is there are three distinct sections. The verses, the chorus, and the bridge all have very different musical feels. I interpret the verses as the truth, the message that they are trying to get out to people. The chorus is the media and the propaganda. The bridge is the desperate wake up call. With that framework in mind, let's look at the words.

The first four lines conjure the thought of a smiling, well dressed woman responsible for crimes against humanity, while the people are oblivious because they are enveloped in popular culture and marketing. (When we amplify everything, we hear nothing). The next four lines harken the same obliviousness, while espousing the idea that those who lie and propagandize to us depend on us. If we do not remain as unquestioning "hypnotic computers," we would no longer protect them.

The chorus is laid back, and Orwellian. Everything is fine. We're all having a good time. War is fun.

The second verse took some looking around and thinking. My best guess is that it has to do with the US's support of Israel. The lines about Fort Knox strike me as economical. The gold standard in an economy impedes a government from creating money out of thin air, and devaluing the currency thereby making its people poorer. With that in mind, they have taken the gold from us and stolen our future "intentions," or goals; aspirations. The next line is about the clamor for foreign oil and the unjust means by which western nations have acquired it (this goes back at least to Iran in the 50s). Again, the atrocities are masked in "cries of freedom," while in reality we march to inevitable doom.

Chorus again. Don't worry. Everything's fine. Keep on consuming. Think nothing of the future because it's all going to be okay.

WAKE UP. HELLO? We are NOT A FASCIST NATION. We should not be supporting these foreign wars. We should not be allowing the few in power (that's in corporations AND government; governments and corporations working together for their own benefit is Fascism) lie to us. Control us. Weaken us. Rob us of our individualism, and leave us divided and ignorant. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?

After this, the lyrics all repeat. But the most notable part is that when the "wake up" section comes back, it is very sudden. I think it is meant to be an even bigger calling. It should surprise people in the song when it comes. It should wake them up.


Where the fuck are YOU?

Spot on sir.

I'll just leave this here to let people ponder over the last half of the track there.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

i agree with chidsuey. But I think the last two lines of the second stanza is operative.

It seems to be a reference to 1984 when the protaganist muses that if the lower class of people (i'm paraphrasing) "stood and shook themselves like a horse ridding itself of flies" then the government of big brother would collapse.

you depend on us for protection but still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

they need us to survive, but lie and don't give the people what they need.

awesome interpretation. you are insightful and I agree with your interpretation.. It applies perfectly.

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