Lyric discussion by Distarr60 

I think there are 2 differnt types of songs. You can listen to a song for the first time and you are left with the sense that the composer had written it with a very specific meaning behind it. You can listen to another song and due to the very ambiguos wording, it lends itself to many interpretaions. Maybe that is the intent of the composer. I'm sure it was written from one specific event or meaning by the composer, but is written in such a manner as to allow the listener to decide for themselves, what it actually means. If we understood the meaning behind every lyric of every song or simply assumed there was one, it would take all the pleasure out of listening to it in the first place. I love and appreciate the fact that I can listen to a beautiful song and feel as if the composer was inside my head when he/she wrote it. How else could they write those lyrics that so clearly reflect my thoughts and feeling during a specific time in my life. It's as if it were written personally for me. Where there are times that I have to satisfy my curiosity as to the meaning of a song, there are also times I want to allow myself the comforting thought that someone completely understood how I was feeling. And here is my proof, in a song.

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