Lyric discussion by MrMaster13 

To me, the song starts off about how hard it is to be who we want to be 'I could’ve held your love, But wouldn’t you think me weak?' She worries too much about what he'll think of her, even though she knows what she wants.

'Of all, I should know How the streets come and go' This seems to suggest, that she of all people, is familiar with how the 'streets', what I believe is a metaphor for her romantic partner, the street being how she accesses the wider world, suggesting how important have a sexual partner is to her, and she has problems holding one down.

'When you chase the kaleidoscope dream, but, Stranger, baby, always keep me in your sweet memory.' What I think she means by kaleidoscope dream, is chasing after pretty things, such as some perfect, beautiful woman that is not her, 'Stranger, baby' seems to mark how he has become a stranger to her, yet still uses this term of endearment. As most people can understand, she doesn't want to be forgotten and wants him to think of their time together as something dear to him.

'Perfect hips, perfects tits she was. Perfect lips, pieces of your heart, Splattered on the cliff.' These physical features relate back to the 'kaleidoscope' dream, as this guy chases these pretty things that he values for whatever reason, Pieces of your heart, not his whole heart, Instead of invoking emotional detachment from things, Suggests his heart is now fragmented and not whole, Just like his quest for these physical features is not whole, but just some shallow thing to go after, The existence of the cliff just suggesting how hard it is to overcome, going further than 'steep hill'.

'We go home, watch a movie. Tell me can you feel the beat? Getting loose, getting loose she was, Letting those feelings loose; She was, becoming a monster.' The beat could be referring to an underlying theme behind what we can see, behind physical characteristics, again relating back to the guy's quest for physical perfection, as well as the beat of her heart, beating for him. The third person 'she' when it really refers to her, suggests that she was a person that she isn't any more, by letting loose, it suggests she was just doing whatever she felt like and not thinking things through enough.

And I'm gonna stop right there, unless someone would like me to continue expressing my interpretation of the lyrics.

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