Lyric discussion by psillypsymun 

This is a pretty strait forward piece If you have ever been in the situation before. When you can't seem to come to any sort of agreement with a loved one and it tears you apart. You can see the series of events that lead up to the situation at hand, but you can't change them. You watch yourself fit into the puzzle and start pointing the finger and blaming the other. You watch your communication start to "mildew and smolder" as you have lost touch with how to be open and honest with each other. You resent each other as well as yourslefs because you see you are doing the same.

Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy sense of compassion

Growing cold and bitter. This is when you begin to establish a rot in the foundation of your relationship. From here on out we are "Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication"

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