Lyric discussion by iliketointerpret1 

To me this song is about someone waiting for the person they love, to love them back, though I could see how it is about God too, but to me, this is more about love.

Anyways, this describes the current issue I'm in right now, the person I love is in a relationship right now, we still talk, I've tried to see if they like me back, but I don't have an answer-yet, though I get the feeling she sort of likes me, but just isn't open to show it.
The more I stay here, the more in love with her I am, and when I'm away from her, she's constantly on my mind, I can't live, with, or without her.

I hope I get an answer soon, but I'll wait as long as I have to, until I can't wait any longer.

I also find myself in this song... Except we are truly hurting each other for the past 2 years. With cold stones in our eyes and hurtfull thorn fences around our hearts we are just spining around and around waiting one for the other to let go, and still disbelive when one does.Our hands are tied and there is nothing we can do, nothing to win and nothing to loose.

Reading this and seeing it's from early last year, if you reply...well, how did it go? I'm in the exact same situation myself at the moment and it is killing me. The meaning you have explained can easily be the meaning of this song

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