Lyric discussion by cubfever7 

I'm a huge fan of Bruce's talent but not of his politics. Most Viet Nam vets like me do NOT support his positions on that war and wonder where he was? What kind of deferment did he get? The President he campaigned for is the most corrupt in history. If you check news outlets that aren't afraid to tell all, you'd see th headlines roll in weekly. Funny how he uses Chicago and New Orleans in the lyric. The two most corrupt cities in the country--Illinois is a total joke with like 4 out of the last 5 governors in jail or under suspicion.

As for Katrina--yea it got botched pretty bad. But the LA governor and NOLA mayor were offered aid ahead of time and said told no thanks, we got this. It's not all that hard to find this information. When the cavalry is told to stay home--who do you blame? The other party--naturally. More job loses and tons of poverty were caused by the inept handling of the oil spill and the order to lay off all the oil workers. Write a song about that.

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