Lyric discussion by suzv 

I couldn't believe it the other day - after hearing this song, and loving it, for so many years amongst Mr. Marley's work, I just heard it for the first time - in it's meaning. Bob Marley was a gift to the world. To me, he was sharing something that happened, that can happen to anyone except we often don't notice. Something from nature/an aspect of God, the 3 birds arrived at his house, probably during a time of uncertainty in his life, and he received a divine message in their song, to let him know that everything is going to be alright. That we all go through difficulties, and we may all be tested with problems which are all a learning experience, and maybe if we listen and learn and do, everything will be alright. He was just expressing being touched by this realization, in the simple but powerful arrival and message through the song of the birds. When I was pregnant with my daughter and due to have her at the age of 41, I was very concerned that she would be a healthy baby. One morning after leaving my apartment in Manhattan and going outside to the street, a butterfly came and landed on my very pregnant tummy. I couldn't believe it. I then continued on to my workplace. Along the way I walk by the Hudson River on the Jersey side. And then unbelievably, another butterfly landed on my tummy in exactly the same spot. I felt this was very special, and in a similar way, the divine power of God was reaching out to me to say the same thing. I don't want to go on and on, but we can receive messages from anywhere at any time. Marijuana has nothing to do with it. Bob, I love you, as I love Princess Diana, Michael Jackson and anyone else who uses life for embettering others.

  • Suz.
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