Lyric discussion by SorrowFox 

This is exactly what I hear, and I've listened this song song hundreds of times. I really don't see how some of you are getting "birdy's head" and "Christian" and "cryptic".

Hi Scars will heal soon This drug in us Split the earth Down

Better than drowning In a burlap Sack I live long Alice attack

Children shouldn't Play with dead things Only crawl Till our lonely sad eyes Cry crimson Blood

Drop it, it's dead Well retrun and take the body home Sad eyes

Sad eyes like sharpened daggers See, you'll never walk Only stagger Sad eyes Cry crimson Blood

Ok, so I've read the lyrics on the official website and listened to the track, she says what she says. But I've given this a one up because having listened to it with your lyrics, it sounds like she says this too!! XD

I really like this 'version', if you can call it that, especially "This drug in us, split the earth down" and "Alice attack". Sick ^ ^

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