Lyric discussion by Lazuline 

There's so much wisdom and insight contained in this song.

The rhythm has moments of heartbeat, moments arhythmic and meandering, like a river with eddies and furls. The strumming of the opening riff, conjures an image for me of wave-riplets lapping a riverbank or a shoreline.

At times he sings with the tempo, and at others he'll fall behind or sing ahead of the main rhythm. There's also a funny assymetry to the instrumental break which comes a little more than half way into the song, and repeats about 3 or 4 measures (as a motif) after the main stream of the song begins anew.

For me, this song is like a river, a kind of metaphor for life. It's all there - the good, the not so good, the obstacles, the ideas and points of view which can hold us prisoner. What I love lyrically about the song is it's call to action - Hey, now, hey, now.. Don't dream it's over! To me, the song speaks of the moment - now - and urges the Lover, whom the singer is addressing to engage with life and embrace a real intention to go beyond doubt, not simply engaging in hope (hope being a dangerous practice, in my view, because it clings to an expected outcome, and will only bring disappointment and suffering if the hoped-for thing is not realized).

To me, the lyrics really offer an antidote, a way to respond to the conditions which can arise in life, challenging us, way beyond our control and influence. The lyrics are transcendent, an expression of good-intention, liberating and freeing, as he puts it.

It's such a beautiful love song. Bonne fête de St-Valentin, Lover.. to the Lover in all of us!

@Lazuline Hmmm... Interesting. Very well written, thanks for sharing that. Can't say it NOT correct, as you say, "It's all there - ". Let me digest a bit more, just had to say Thanks!

Apropos on Valentine's Day, too. . .

@Lazuline This is one of my all time favorite songs, so meaningful. I like your review and totally agree with it.

@Lazuline This is one of the most profound insights to any song I have ever read. Thanks for the inspiration

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