Lyric discussion by jenn48 

this song makes me think so much of mental illness. the lyrics sound like they're from someone with dissociative identity disorder. "i'm not always like this, it's something i've become, a terrible weakness, in my nature, in my blood"--it sounds like something genetic that she can't control, and the part about "a blackout approaching, here it comes now, wish me luck" sounds like the switch between the parts of her personality. Most people with DID have at least one personality that controls the most carnal parts of them, the parts of them that are under control when they're in their own "normal" personality. when they're living in this "normal" state, they're typically not aware of the carnal personality (or any of the other ones that come out) or what they do when they're in a different personality, which is why she explains it like a blackout.

I think it's about the character's reaction to the blame that others put on her for a mental condition that she can't control. the phrase "glittering clouds" represents the escape from reality she has when she involuntarily switches into other personalities. glittering clouds make me think of clouds that are about to rain hard and cause problems.

"The artist's impression looks just like me, only better" I think this refers to the way that most of the media portrays "dangerous" mental illnesses--they're kind of romanticized in movies like The Secret Window etc. DID/whatever mental illness it is might be the puppeteer who's making her "dance" without her control. anyway that's just my take on it, it could be something totally different.

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