Lyric discussion by Badfishrmg 

The first part reminds me a little of Dust in the Wind and the second part reminds me of Mary Jane's Last Dance. Not knocking the Black Keys or El Camino, but a lot of the album sounds ripped from the 70s/80s. Then again, what would the kids today know about those decades other than disco/hairmetal so it's new to them.

Anyway, it's a good song, I think that little black submarines are a metaphor for the things in life that get us off track and can ultimately destroy us. Things that we either don't see coming or lying in wait beneath the surface(ie: submarine can mean to sink from under the surface).

The last sentence of your first paragraph makes you sound like a cranky old man. It was actually the kids walking around with Grateful Dead, Rolling Stones, and Dead Kennedys shirts that bothered me the most in high school. They were entirely too pretentious. I think anyone with a brain knows that very little in music today is going to be unique or original, but that's not really the point; the point of making music today is to make something that is unique and personal to the musician. If it comes from an authentic place to...

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