Lyric discussion by nightangel147 

when i first looked at the lyrics of this beautiful song i found that they were sad. i originaly thought, like many of you, that it was about a girl that had broken his heart and was supposed to be his signifigant other. then, i watched the music video. the symbolism in the items that are in the video spinning on the tabe and sertain key words in the song led me to believe that it is not his signifigant other he is speaking to, but a child of his instead... believed to be a daughter from the music video. i realized, being a musican myself, that the pain that he portrays in the song is more akin to something someone would NEVER get over. after some research into the song and listening to it non stop it all clicked and made sense.

While I don't know that I personally agree (for which I apologize), Plus 1 for the fact that I find this interpretation more interesting and appealing than some others.

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