Lyric discussion by KateYourMate 

The girl and Ben go for a walk, in the first stanza it says how it is cold and there is wind, but there is a shadow which suggests that the sun is out and the starlings are sleeping so it is morning. This sets the scene in your head. The girl, which we shall call 'Elin' "screams hallelujah" so she is trying to release, "How the rain did reveal your heart" Ben is saying how she can see her inner trueness 'her 'heart'. "And you said oh maybe we're just lost souls here, maybe oh everybody goes" She expresses that she feels the two of them are lost, or she could be referring to everyone as being lost as she goes on to say that maybe everybody goes, which could mean that she believes everyone one might die before they find themselves.

"Oh we were young oh ho we were young" Suggests that this is in the past, maybe that they were foolish or inexperienced, which will lead on to what happens.

"Still don't you forget, that rope you tied around your neck Don't free you darling" The 'rope' she tied around her neck to suggest she has/would hung/hang herself, won't free her from anything she believes this could be anything Love, hate, religion or just the way she perceives life.

"And it took them three days to find you, tired torch lights and dog scents. Oh they led you down from the highest branches, cold eyes and frozen arms" People looked for her for three days until they found her, The use of the word 'Led' could make you think that she participated in coming down from the branches of the tree, which would make you think that she hasn't hung herself. Then The next line would make you think otherwise as he describes her as frozen.

And my my my your beauty was so dumbfounded, lace white dress and your hair as long as Follaton Woods. Her beauty has only just been recognized, and how beautiful she really is even though she is dead.

And the whole town just stood there crying looking at the darkness, for something wholesome and good. The whole Town is involved as they all know that she was missing, they are searching for something good to come out of a very dark and sad situation, maybe not something good but just an answer.

"Morning white mist came across the plane, blue skies and rain. Oh and it was the strangest day, people taking cover people holding shame" The instruments simmer down to put across serenity, as the day after death is quiet and 'strange'. People taking cover in their houses away and quiet, showing shame on the loss.

"Oh you'd left your Heart oh ho oh ho oh" That she left heart heart with the people and with him.

You would'a laughed your heart ah ah ah out. This lightens the end, suggesting laughter. I don't quite understand what she would have laughed at but I'm sure she would.

This song could easily be listened to without really listening to the lyrics, because it is so easy listening.

You may totally disagree with my interpretation of this piece and I don't mind because it could all be wrong.

Katie-Rose Weston, 16 Peace and Love

Just thought I might add this for support of any kind if you are feeling a bit like Elin.

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