Lyric discussion by newyorkcityspeed 

Obvious sexual references here, but I think magicman7 is right when he says that people heard it was rape or a fling, but Karin didn't really know how she should feel, because of being a virgin (linen and lace)so she can't confirm either way. She seems to be in a bubble and once she comes out of it (the sun rising) she doesn't know what just happened or if she enjoyed it, blurring the lines between rape and consensual sex so she goes back up to see the sunrise but she went without him and she goes back to get himto see if the normal world can mix with the bubble. In the end, she says they wanted to stay. She made up her mind that it wasn't rape. Maybe the title Kino is a reference to her physical perception of everything. This is's definition of kinaesthetic: "muscle sense. The sensation by which bodily position, weight, muscle tension, and movement are perceived". This seems to sum the song up very well, especially when directly saying she feels the snow and how her body is the scale which measures him. I spent longer analysing this than I have on most of my college essays :/ unemployment, here I come...

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