Lyric discussion by KeeperOfTool 

Maynard is a man who know much about psychology, and I totally agree with him on this one. The civilized mankind today is overprotected. Yet we feel unsafe, and most of all bored. To keep our mind of things we watch television and read the paper to hear the news from this world. What Maynard wants to say is that: WHY IS THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES IN THE NEWS THE SAD AND HORRIBLE ONES? People feel safe when they hear about other peoples deaths. And thet need to hear it. It is something satisfying about it in a non-maschistic way. Don't get me wrong here... we aren't vicous killers. This world is filled with violence. We hate it, but we love to hate it.

Think about it... When you see a newspaper with a big fat title "Stabbed by husband." you don't go like "hm... who cares." You grab it, buy it, read it, and go "I'm glad that wasen't me." og "pfft! what are the odds of that happening to me?" Then you go on with your life with one less worry.

Violence is like pornograhpy for your mind.

I hope you understand. and please don't get for a murderer, or a suicidel dumbnut ;)

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