Lyric discussion by ehhviin 

Apparently, finner is another word for rorqual, which according to Wikipedia “are the largest group of baleen whales…[which] include the largest animal that has ever lived, the Blue Whale.” Moreover, the article mentions “Rorquals take their name from French rorqual, which itself derives from the Norwegian word røyrkval, meaning ‘furrow whale’.[2] All members of the family have a series of longitudinal folds of skin running from below the mouth back to the navel…These are understood to allow the mouth to expand immensely when feeding.”

The song seems to use the ocean as a backdrop, so the connection to a whale is a real possibility, especially in light of the use of the word ‘furrows’ (I think the transcriber made a mistake in using the word farrows, which elsewhere I only found used to describe a litter of pigs).

In this sense, ‘the rocking of his house’ refers to the sea itself, reinforced by all the other marine references, including ‘the salty ocean wind made the seagulls cry,’ ‘the waves that hit his face,’ and the advice to ‘keep your heads held high.’

Along with the high seas setting, there seems to be a longing for adventure and even hardship. At times it verges on being a hymn for the pirate’s life, especially in the simplified, accordion-backed chorus.

I find this song to be fanciful yet nostalgic and somber. When I listen to it I simultaneously yearn for a sailor’s life, reminisce of time spent vagabonding around this wide world, feel empathy for (emi-/immi-)grants, and rock out. I think it’s the best track on an amazing album.

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