Lyric discussion by s818213B 

God, I’ve perceived the world around me, and my life And I’ve witnessed great hardships of a fearful humanity, and I’ve seen/understood all of these things with a lack of emotion and empathy Now I want to search for a different interpretation, meaning to life and suffering

I have done all that I could To perceive the evil and good things in the world as an active participant, with courage and less fear I need Your help to be successful

God, my perception Tell me how my view of the world and life is warped Was I unwise to get complacent with this world, and with myself?

‘Cause I have not lived my whole life with a concrete, meaningful purpose And I’ve let the moments and events in the world present themselves, instead of creating them I’ve been waiting for something unknown to pull me out of ambiguity, and give me meaning Some people truly follow their own free will I never noticed them until I realized That life is extremely short, and I’m losing time

God, my perception Tell me how you see the world and me I hear the cries of those with great hardships and fears, as well as the cries of people who realized they've wasted part or most of their lives. I also hear cries from my former and present self. Can I still achieve my goals and dreams, or have I wasted too much of my life?

God, my beliefs I cannot see You or find true meaning Is this the price for not only excessively allowing the world to shape me, but sacrificing emotion in order to be successful and strong?

For a person struggling and in the process of getting faith... that's how I interpreted it. GB^2

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