Lyric discussion by Alien8 

I think the operator metaphor is about feeling disconnected with who you want to be with. The titke, little black submarines, is about how he feels in his head like he's inside a submarine and can't get out of inside of it. He hides there sometimes when things get tough and disconnects himself from reality.

to take it a step further, Jim Croce (a MILLION years ago) "Operator" is what this song hearkens to me. The "little black submarine" is like an old school pay phone or even older school home phone, when you had to have an operator assist making the call. Even fast forwarding to "The Wall" with Bob Geldof trying to re-connect with a lost love. To me, the phone is the "little black submarine" the operator is the navigator. Just an opinion. It fits with the disconnection. You can be on this black phone in a public place and still be...

Y'all missed something good. Those operators were real live human beings, and usually very friendly females. Nowadays we get automated messages and what seems like a million buttons to push before we get where we want to get (in a company, for example). Jim Croce's music touched people due to its connection with human emotions. This particular song is excellent, although I never would have come up with everyone's interpretion of it.

Yeah, the basic gist of the song is being unfortunately disconnected from the world or just a group of people, I think we've all felt like an outcast in our lives so this song really can relate to a lot of people, including me.

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