Lyric discussion by Breetastic 

I think the song is talking about night life and how he enjoys it.

"Waiting in a car Waiting for a ride in the dark." Probably how he's waiting for it to become night time so he can go to his favorite places.

"At night the city grows Look at the horizon glow" How people emerge from where they are to come and enjoy the nightlife, and the horizon glowing is the lights of the city.

"Drinking in the lights Following the neon signs" Gazing at the bright lights, reading the signs of each place.

"The city is my church" He goes out at night religiously.

I don't know, but that's what it seems like to me.

I think it is too, and having fun is a wonderful part of life! Good song.

"The city is my church" - could also mean that it's where he has his most "religious" experiences (i.e. uplifting, ecstatic, sweep-you-off-your-feet) or where he goes for contemplation and reflection. See also: Faithless' "God is a DJ" - "This is my church / This is where I heal my hurts"

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