Lyric discussion by Xemyr 

In my opinion, the people who say this is about coke are right. I don't think he got over it in this song. At least the character didn't. The song goes from him being very addicted, and wanting to get over it, to being pulled in by the addiction. One thing I haven't seen anyone bring up is the end. Variations on "hey, hey yeah oh yeah tell my love now." I believe this means that he wants to tell his love that He's sorry, and that he's crying for help. The last chorus means something different to me. He was looking back on how he rationalized it, and realizing how right he was. People need another wonder, and everything he had was concealed by his addiction.

Not every song with one single thing that could actually point to drugs is about fucking drugs. IT'S NOT ABOUT FUCKING COKE, PLEASE........

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