Lyric discussion by bjkpersonal 

Of the two guys drinking together, the man in the monochromatic outfit was definitely gay. I believe the point was that, because they both took 'The Universal', the straight man couldn't tell that his friend was hitting on him, while the gay man couldn't see that his love interest wasn't returning the favor.

The four pictures were (I believe there were four)..

  1. A hat on top of a pair of legs, which could either mean that that the future's new civilians will look classy and sophisticated from the outside (it was a top hat), but will have no 'brains' or 'heart', or possibly just that they can't think for themselves and the hat was necessary for the viewer to notice the intentional lack of a head and torso.
  2. A set of handcuffs that one of the links was undone, which could either mean that the people feel as if they are free, but the shackles are still there and can be reapplied at any time, or maybe they just symbolized freedom and only one being undone was a stylistic choice. (not important for this point)
  3. A fetus above a cocktail glass, literally to be taken as "drinking your life away", or possibly "drinking away any ability to start a new life".
  4. A magnet and a person, obviously meaning "human attraction".

Despite the fact that Damon can easily tell that the gay friend is going to make a move that night, even winking right before it happens, neither person can see it in the other from literally feet away from each other. Damon's also under the influence of the drug (he can't fully smile and when he does, it doesn't seem quite right), but is self aware. The users of The Universal have become so devoid of emotion that they can't even sense love if it isn't shoved right in their faces, maybe because it numbs them, maybe because it helps them choose to forget.

The point is that, while being completely numb to emotions makes life easier to manage and control, it doesn't lead to a satisfying life. Damon's practically bashing a possible future generation, "the Prozac generation".

..oh, and one more thing, since none of you realized it yet. Notice that even though the old men were very happy with the real world in their force-fed happiness (notice how their glasses are specifically rose colored), once they found out it wasn't what they were told happiness is, they were immediately unhappy. It was practically "Wow, this is great! ..wait a second, I recognize this place. This isn't true happiness! (outrage)".

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