Lyric discussion by RobZombieFan 

It feels like he's talking about us not being told the truth. "Why dont you ask the kids..." "was fashion the reason why they were there?" What was the reason they were there? Was it truely what we were told it was? "They disguise it. Hypnotize it. Television made you buy it" I dont think they're talking about literally buying things. But being suckered into believing something by disinformation. If someone successfully lied to you, then you 'bought it' "Mezmerized the simple minded propaganda leaves us blinded" If 1 big news company spews out a single lie (no pun intended), then estimate atleast 1/3 of our country takes it as fact. I think the song is about pulling the wool away from our eyes and seeing things for what they really are.

@RobZombieFan I agree with a lot of your interpretation except for your thoughts on the "was fashion the reason why they were there" line... this is what I believe they were saying:

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