Lyric discussion by Slytherinhouz 

It's about an 1800's family, a mother, a father, and their daughter. (I will tell the story from the daughters point of view)

Mother was just serving my favorite meal when my daddy came through the front door. He threw his overcoat on the chair he would normally sit on and went into the kitchen to get his bottle of alcohol from the pantry. I had only taken my first bite of food when he strode back out and began shouting ugly things at my mommy who only stared at him blankly. This angered my daddy who suddenly put the bottle down and grabbed my mommy, dragging her up the stairs by her arm. I heard her shrieking and shouting for me to stay downstairs as my daddy slammed the door to their room, imprisoning my mommy. From where I sat, all I could hear was my daddy shouting ugly words and my mommy screaming. Suddenly I heard her shouting my name along with other words that were muffled from the ruckus my daddy was making. I grabbed my porcelaine doll and ran up the stairs. The noise from in my parents room was deafening. As I stood facing the door I prayed a silent prayer hoping that our family would be okay. Holding the doll close I creaked the door open, my mother was on the ground shielding herself with her hands. When she saw me my daddy turned and saw me. My mother begged for him to leave me alone he began walking towards me his fists clenched, leaving my mother alone in her room to cry her eyes out. He dragged me to my room and slammed the door only one word escaping his teeth. "Sleep". I obeyed only to be woken again later that night, it was my daddy. I sat up in my bed. He sat down at the foot of my began and began to remove my covers from the bottom up. "What are you doing?" I asked only to be answered by silence. I suddenly heard my mother banging the door with her fists again begging my father to leave me alone he only quickened what he was doing to me. Suddenly I realizede what he was doing. With my small fists I tryed to get him off me but to no avail. "Daddy no! Don't do this to me! Leave me be!" Suddenly everything went dark. I only saw my mother being led away by the police from my window. I never saw my daddy again.

good comment! i too see it this way. sadly, this happens way more than most people realize. i am a survivor, and i have a support group to help other survivors heal, at and hope it's okay that i post those here, but i just feel like someone might need it. anyway, thanks for the comment, and stay strong!

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