Lyric discussion by danielp1 

This song is a confessional about the situation and after-effects of an encounter between two people.

The initial verse is about the meeting. We learn that she is already disoriented and "confused" about what happened from the meeting and that this was the one chance to "speed up" the truth and to act upon their attraction for one another. We also understand that she and him knew one another prior to their meeting due to them having "a promise made" to simply be physical. Both of them are "under influence" which could either mean they are either drunk on love/lust/alcohol, all of which are enhancers of emotions and can disorient. In this state of drunkenness they "know what to say" to one another because they knew how the other felt; however, she refuses to think about the situation and the "promise made" of simply being physical because the "mind is a razor blade" and can cut and ruin the magic of the encounter.

The second verse is about the encounter itself and the after effects. To her the one night was "a magic rush" that was started by a "simple touch" from him. This physical discourse eventually leads to them having sex where they "push and scream" and are finally have "relief" either sexual orgasm or mental relief knowing the night was over. Afterwords we find out that she is so "in love" that she is seeing everything more vividly and wildly, in what she states as being "red and blue". We also find out the couple made another promise after ten days that they are "in love".

Sadly we find out things don't go according to plan. She finds out that he was stealthy and cunning in wooing her that she believes him to know "the hand of the devil". Even after all of their intense sex which she compares to "wolves teeth" she realizes that he was "sharing different heartbeats in one night". You can either take this as he is A) seeing another woman or B) Simply not in love with her b/c his heartbeat (aka: his intentions) wasn't the same as hers.

And for the chorus, she feels so awful and low that she believes that not even God, himself can help her woes from heartbreak and rejection from this man.

Overall a great song with EXTREMELY deep lyrical content. My interpretation of course. :)

I say B) He's not in love with her and his intentions aren't the same as hers

@danielp1 yeah good one, i don't think she feels so cheated though, maybe it's just that they were sharing their individual heartbeats because they felt so close. since the song's lyrics seem pretty based on rational thinking, saying that their "hearts beat as one" seems almost cliche and below the rest of the song, and illogical, because that doesn't happen. But sharing a different heartbeat is totally a feasible thing. makes way more sense too. about the hands from above part...perhaps she's rationalizing the agreed up, physical only, limited relationship, because it's usually considered a socially unacceptable so we are programmed...

@danielp1 When I see "One night to push and scream and then relief" I think of giving birth.

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