Lyric discussion by amandaamaretto 

My mom played this song, and the whole album actually, a lot when her and my dad got a divorce. I always tie this song back to that time in my life, it was hard for our entire family, as all divorces are. But after becoming an adult, and really listening to the lyrics for what they are, I get a completely different feel for this song. I used to believe it was about an ending to a bitter sweet relationship. But I now think its about the continuation of a bitter sweet relationship, which can be far worse. The woman the song is about is infatuated with this man, she puts him on this pedestal of importance. She recognizes that there are problems in the relationship, but she cant stand the thought of actually letting him and the relationship go. She talks about him like he is an older man, maybe a missing father figure she always wanted. She certainly doesnt feel like she deserves to be in a relationship with this man. The way that Jewel sings this song is astonishing. Some people said her voice doesnt sound pretty, I think its meant to not sound "pretty". She sounds like she is on the brink of breaking down, and I think its beautiful. There is so much depth in her voice, so much pain. Its beautiful.

I agree with your comment. Sorry about your parents divorce. :-(

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