Lyric discussion by purpleyawn 

I wrote an essay for my music class on this song last year and this is a part of the essay where i interpreted the lyrics:

The lyrics of “We Own The Sky” are very cryptic. The album’s title is “Saturdays=Youth” and the artist himself is a big fan of John Hughes movies such as “Sixteen Candles” and “Pretty in Pink” so drawing from this, I concluded that the song is about teenagers. It seems as if the teenagers in general are not afraid to dream big with “Each shade of blue…kept in [their] eyes,” even if they fail, represented by the weather which “Keep[s] blowing and lightening.” Teenagers continue to dream because they have a sense of invincibility, “because [they] own the sky.” The next part of “Secrets from the winds/Burnt stars crying” represents how easily teenagers can be inspired or influenced to do something new. The “winds” and “stars” are each romanticized with a personifying quality. It links the way teenagers romanticize situations, not realizing what is completely realistic or unrealistic. However, as quick as teenagers get an idea, they can abandon it even quicker — “We kill what we build.” The juxtaposition of “soft and “cruel” exemplify how young minds can suddenly adjust to the abandonment of an idea once so firmly set. “Can’t we change out minds?” is a question to all the adults who cannot remember back to their youth and understand why sudden droppings of aspirations can occur out of the blue without needing reason, only to move on to new aspirations. When it is night -“So many moons here” - time for sleeping, which comes dreaming - “Lost wings” — the “wings” represent dreams that are from one’s rarely used subconscious. The subconscious surfaces lost thoughts, giving meaning to conscious thoughts, hence “floating me.” The last few lyrics indicate that something is “coming… from the sky…from the wind.” These words, in addition to the song building up, exaggerates the unearthly power that teenagers think they wield, the essence of invincibility. It is as if there is something rising within which feels right, natural, and calming. This moment in the song seems to assert that this is the moment a teenager has been waiting for all throughout life. It may be a painting of how falling in love for the very first time feels. Though the whole song is electronic, there is not a feeling is superficiality.

within this song lies what we have all felt before, our teenaged years of invincible sentiment.

This is excellent! How you end your comment, that line that sums everything up, it gives me such a good feeling. I can agree with you completely with your description. I hope you got a good grade for this essay, because the content is very good.

Bloody brilliant.

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