Lyric discussion by homerunhydock 

i believe this song is about a man that is struggling with people trying to tell him what to do. You have to ask yourself what is it that you really want? Fortune...Fame? Will that do it, or is there something else. Love, thats what he wants nothing else. He only needs her, thats his truth. He only wants to feel the feeling of love, which is the greatest feeling. He is lost without her possibly? As he is searching the world to fill his need of love, but everything is just an illusion. Maybe he is questioning if love is real or only an illusion. He wants to embrace the darkness, because in the end is that all that there is? He is questioning everything he had previously knew, because in the end where did it lead him. Love is his only medication, and thats what made him not question. He wants that feeling again

i think, doesnt mean im right, but that's what i got out of the lyrics and the music video.

Great interpretation

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