Lyric discussion by kunoichi159 

"Shoutweb: What's the story behind "I Hate Jimmy Page"?

Jimmy: The basic jist is that I'm getting really sick of people just goin' on and on about classic musicians, and Clapton is god, and Led Zeppelin, and nobody ever wrote a better song, and that's the best record, and blah blah blah, and then not doing anything new. It's like they all just sit around and pray to these guys. It's like great, I'm sure we all wouldn't be doing what we're doing if Led Zeppelin hadn't written this song, and if the Beatles hadn't done that. Let's move on. I mean even with the Sex Pistols shit, it's like alright the Sex Pistols did their thing. Why would you want to do Sex Pistols Part 2? Ya know what I mean, it's like what's the point? Do something different, entertain me, plug in a frickin' toaster. Who cares if you can hit an e-minor 7th chord. Make me wanna see you for a reason."

I just thought that I should throw this out there in case nobody had yet. And, honestly, I kind of agree with Jimmy on this. I mean, sure those bands were awesome or whatever, and yes, things (especially music) would be different if it hadn't been for certain bands, but you shouldn't get hung up on something like that, you know? People have different opinions, first of all, and they should be entitled to them. Also, if you're so busy saying that a specific band is the best, and you're constantly downing every other band, then you probably aren't even really paying attention to anything aside from the one that you already know you like, you have a preconceived idea in your head that you're going to hate anything else, so you do. As for the thing about "Sex Pistols Part 2", I understand that as well. What fun is music if it all sounds exactly alike, you know? Okay, so they were good or great at what they did. Leave it at that. It doesn't need to be re-done again and again. That's overkill.

But, that's just my opinion on the matter...

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