Lyric discussion by AquariaTX 

bAwakawa means "situation" or "case" in Japanese

So Lennon is probably saying with "b'wakawa pousse" "the situation pushes." Which would be an indirect/clever way of saying "the plot thickens".

"Bakawa" is Japanese for "situation." Pousse' is French for "shoot." he is talking about a shooting incident.

@AquariaTX "Ah, bowakawa pousse, pousse" - Lennon said it was nonsense lyrics as per the faux Spanish in Sun King. Curiously though: Bo = "staff/weapon" in Japanese; wa = "as for…" in Japanese (as a topic particle) or "harmony" on its own; kawa = "river" in Japanese; pousse = "push" in French, though allegedly "pussy" was Lennon's original lyric. So, "staff/weapon/phallus, pussy, river, harmony"...?)

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