Lyric discussion by J.J. 

Kurt Waldheim was an Austrian politician who served as Secretary General of the UN during the 1980s; it was later revealed he had been involved in Nazi activities as a young man which he covered up to help his political career.

Jesse Jackson, who is still very much around today, was a black civil rights leader who sought the Democratic nomination in 1984 and 1988. He won a few primaries, but was considered a bit of an extremist, particularly for some off-color things he said about Jews, and his apparent uncritical embrace of the Palestinian cause.

This song, as I see it, is mostly just calling out these self-righteous figures for their hypocrisy. I am not sure if the mention of the Pope (Pontiff) are in specific reference to anything unfolding at the time, or just a general dislike of papal pomposity.

The Pontiff mentioned is Pope John Paul II. He is mentioned because as Pope he met with Waldheim at least twice, and awarded a Vatican honor to Waldheim, even though Waldheim's Nazi involvement was well-known before Pope John Paul II ever met him.

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