Lyric discussion by JetStorm17277 

Easy to Interpret: The guy is talking about how much time he has wasted on some girl he was probably with.

And he mentions that he remembers all the times she fought with him and treated him as if he were her property.

He even mentions that he put his trust in her and pushed too far into the relationship and in the end it didn't even matter because she walked off from his life.

He then mentions that she wouldn't recognize him anymore after all the years they haven't seen each other.

He even says: Not that you knew me back then, but it all comes back to me in the end.

Meaning: that the girl he was with barely knew him, even if they were together. and he's starting to remember it all.

The point of this song: Don't waste your time on someone you think you love, who doesn't even care about you, you're wasting too much time. And in the end, you will regret it.

That's pretty much what I got from it.

I can relate to this song 'cause I went through this years ago.

Me too Jet. When I went through what you obviously did, it meant only that to me. Heartbreak ridden. Thankfully, I left her (after trying every angle I could think of), life got much better. Still love the song, but it's nice to listen to it w/o getting a lump in my throat. That's not to say there can't be other interpretations I imagine; that's the nice thing about most music....if it moves you, it moves you.

@JetStorm17277 You nailed it

@JetStorm17277 got it on the spot. I can relate to your explanation so mucn

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