Lyric discussion by dunamis 

VERY clever lyrics here! Great song! Here is what I think this song means:

It's about someone who lives under the motto of "carpe diem" and misinterprets the true meaning of the phrase and just lives life sensually. They simply see life as a "heavy abacus" that ticks the seconds of their life away. They think that living a fake "plastic" life crazily and recklessly will make them feel that they are living their live to the fullest. However, as time and the person's life keeps passing by,the abacus gets heavier and heavier, haunting them more and more, regardless of how much they pursue such a reckless lifestyle. The superficial happiness wares off quicker and quicker, and at the end of everyday, the person looks at them self in the mirror and realizes that they aren't happy, so it leads them to want to party even harder than they did the day before.

This person doesn't realize, however, that "seize the day" truly means (in my opinion) that you should make the most out of every day by doing what you WANT, and not just pursuing every whim and impulse that you have without thinking twice about it. I've seen alot of people use the terms "impulse/whim" and "wish/dream" interchangeably. I guess the person in this song is one of those people!

It's good to see a new band have creativity nowadays! I' excited to see more great stuff from The Joy Formidable in the years to come!! :)

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