Lyric discussion by theDrunkPianist 

I got the feeling that this song is about being okay about being alone. It is a bit melancholy but the feeling the repetitive, rhythimic beat you could almost bear your chest swaying to the "waves" as described by the song. The waves that could lift you, be it what you may enjoy, it kinda says to me, that no matter what we die alone. It's okay, we're all trying to bear the loneliness by riding on waves. Trends, joining the latest crowd. This whole oceanic feeling of being connected to others is what we all loved to part of. Yet, It say's ride the wave, whatever you'd find and just enjoy. It's okay to be alone, but not necessarily hostile to others.

Give me some feedback..I hope this song get's more comments. This was my first favorite song off the new album. Twitter: @Neskrov.

I came, I saw, I conquered. me, myself, and I

well said.

@theDrunkPianist I believe you are right on target. I was puzzled by the lyrics and typed in a search and came up with yours. Very insightful and well written. Yes, we die alone after riding the waves of life to enter the great mystery of the oceanic, cosmic unknown.

@theDrunkPianist thanks for sharing. I think you were right, cause it moved something into my chest while reading it.

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