Lyric discussion by childofdust 

Well, several of you have already picked up and commented on the lyrical brilliance of this song and its connection to previous albums, but I thought I'd show the ones I'd found thus far:

Atlantic - "tin cans and string" Flags of Dawn (or probably, more The Whaler) - "north wind is taking its toll...anchor my soul" In Years to Come - "baring my it halfway" Silhouette - "keep sifting my soul" Hold Fast Hope - "if we hold to our hope" Trust - "snap my you'll save my life instead" The Weight - "our love is a loyalty sworn...come what may"

I'm sure buried in there are more allusory references to even more songs, but these ones clearly stuck out upon first listen. Post if you find more!

Oh...maybe a stretch, but "oh you know me and I know you" has a "Like Moths to Flame" air to it.

Phoenix Ignition - "but the cornerstone laid..."

Actually I think the first line was "Our lives are built on tin cans and strings" Atleast it sounds like it here:

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