Lyric discussion by ozzmotic 

"How long it's been there, two years, has it? ????? smell like cigarette"

I hear: "how long's it been there, two years i bet have a sniff it smells like a cigarette"

Also, "The lonely life from the town hall club tower" = "the lonely light from the town hall clock tower"

And about the last verse...yeah, I have no idea :(

One more: "backseats and drunks, sweets, and half-Greeks" = "backseats and drunk suites and half-Greeks"

Thanks for the corrections! Sometimes he just went too fast for me to really make out.

Compiling what others have said:

Having an argument with myself down Victoria Street Passing the market now, the windows IN NEON illuminating my path to defeat Your grinning face scaring a poor parakeet Your HEAVY breathing scaring the wind

So rich on Summer and so sweet

Fuck you, no, you fuck you! You didn't come here for nothing, did you? I know that's what you've been saying lately But let me draw attention to a exhibit B

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