Lyric discussion by CauseSilenceIsHarder 

I agree with this song being about Queen Elizabeth, especially because of the lyrics, "I may be a cruel, crude woman" which explains her as a woman who is dominant. I also like the lyrics,"In the bedroom You will suture up that hole Where the babies come from" which goes with the Virgin Queen part because "that hole" is her vagina, and thats where babies come from. And Regina also mentions Shakespeare, which definitely goes with this time period. I love how she quotes Shakespeare. I also agree with princeauport345 because in the song, the lyrics, "On the distant shores new voices are rising" is referencing how at the time people were sailing to America, or to a new world, and the "new voices" could possibly be native americans, who are trying to raise their voice against these people coming onto their land, but that's just a guess.

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