Lyric discussion by pasmith 

I agree with the interpretation of it being about surviving sexual assault, but I think it has a happy ending. There is the triggering of trauma in the lines "when you see him, you'll know," and "hear his breath come through his teeth," but there is also that last line: "when you see me, you'll know." I feel like that last line indicates that when you see the protagonist, you'll know all of the hope and strength (listed in the rest of the song) that that person houses within them. When you see me, you'll know that I am a survivor, that I have found the faith to saunter forward, to dream at night (no more nightmares), and to finally heal.

I agree with this interpretation about the last line, despite the word "happy ending" is perhaps not proper. "When you see me" seems to refer to all the burden he is carrying, and the struggle he is doing: it is like one willingly embracing his fight

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