Lyric discussion by ErezMA 

Can someone please tell me what this all means? What is a Pelican Fly? I understand pelicans can fly, but that's not likely what they're referencing and as far as the name, Super Bass? What does this song have to do with bass? They're not referencing any fish, or the bass guitar instrument and I highly doubt bass has any significant instrumental portion to this song... or what they pass off as a song. This is a terrible song... I much prefer Rebecca Black.

she is just saying that he is really fly as in the cool type of fly, like if I said your ice cold im implyng that really crule, and the name refers to her heart beat "you got my heartbeat runnin' away; Beating like a drum and it's coming your way... Can't you hear that boom, badoom-boom, boom, badoom-boom, bass? (He got that super bass!"

A pelican is a bird, not a fly. This also still has nothing to do with a bass. There is no bass component to this song nor are there any mentions of the bass instrument.

I thought this was extremely obvious, but she is comparing her racing heartbeat with the sound of bass. She's a talented rapper and she isn't any less of one just because you couldn't figure out what her song was about. Go comment on some old rock music or something if your just going to be critical of popular artists.

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