Lyric discussion by j_dub 

This song is about how everyone starts of as a baby, innocent and vulnerable. Almost everyone has parents and relatives who want nothing but the best. “Everybody's buying little baby clothes.” But one way or another–“ That's the way that it goes”–these kiddos grow up to be dead druggie–“Becky Johnson bought the farm; Put a needle in her arm”–A prostitute–“ She was busted, broke and flat; Had to sell that pussy cat [double entendre]”–a killer and a cheating wife–“ Did he throw her down a well? Did she leave him for that swell [another man]?” Ironically, the people who seemed the happiest with the brightest future as a youngster are the ones who have a great downfall–“See the brightest ones of all; Early in October [in middle life] fall.” The ones who are evil and mean do well in this wicked world able to by expensive drink and sleep well–“While the dark ones go to bed;With good whiskey in their head.” But “That's the way that it ends.” This is not theoretical. All these stories are about people the author knew–“Though there was a time when you and I were friends.” I’m not sure what the author is saying about him or herself:

When you lay me down to rest Leave a pistol in my vest Do you miss my gentle touch? Did I hurt you very much?

I (s)he is saying me too: I had all the potential, and I ended up cold and unloving because I was so defensive.

This is such a beautiful and insightful song. I get sad sometimes thinking about how the world beats you down, and all our hopes and dreams do not come to fruition. For many people the American Dream is the American Nightmare.

It's also a sharp counterpoint to another beautiful song on this album: "The Way the Whole Thing Ends" -- both are about the way things begin, the way they fail, and in particular the way people diverge. Both songs reference lost friendship.

As cause and effect? As melancholic reflection? As ironic statement?

It doesn't really matter, because the heart of the thing is so simple:

That's the way it is.

(Excellent companion song: "Here it is" by Leonard Cohen.)

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