Lyric discussion by EmeraldBlue 

This is a different angle than some people have taken on this song; however I've read every comment and listened to the song a hundred times before writing this. I have changed my mind on the meaning of this song a dozen times so I thought I’d share one of my interpretations.

I believe this song is about a girl called Erica who falls in love with someone called Isadore — possibly a female performer or something elaborate, given the name. I think Isadore has had difficulty with her sexuality and and has been completely swept her off her feet by Erika and the prospect of a different way of life.

‘Erika and her Isadore’ outlines the fact that Erika was besotted with Isadore and the feelings were probably reciprocated however Isadore wasn’t completely sure that she wanted this. ‘Climbed aboard a balloon,’ they embarked on a risky adventure guided purely by lust and excitement however Erika wanted to take things much futher than Isadore was happy with — possibly wanted to marry Isadore. ‘I want more than this kite will soar I've set our sights on the moon.’ (the kite depicting the fact they are currently flying high but not high enough for Erika’s Liking)

The journey doesn’t last forever and what started out as a bit of fun has turned into so much more for Erika. ‘Blinded by their unbridled height our lovers turned dissolute’ - both of them were so wrapped up in lust that Erika didn’t stop to think that this was all new to Isadore and at any moment she could decide that this life wasn’t for her. Also Isadore neglected to realise that Erika was infact falling madly in love with her. Before they realised all this it was too late and Isadore did infact decide that being with another girl wasn’t the life for her.

Erika tries to pled with her ‘It's not who you were It's who you are’ — she tries to tell Isadore that this is who she is — she’s been lost for so long and now she’s found herself.

‘we've come this far lover No, I won't rest Until the world Knows the name Isadore Knows the name Isadore’

Erika explains to isadore that they have been on an epic journey and she declares her love for isadore. She wants the world to know that she is deeply in love with isadore — she wants to shout it from the mountain tops so to speak.

‘Then with eyes wide, a splintered sight There's just one parachute’

Erika is heart broken shocked and mortified. She’s in shock, her eyes are wide open in disbelief and she realises that only one of them is going to survive this balloon ride they have embarked on. The parachute belongs to Isadore — she is one who’s jumping out of the balloon and she is the only one who is going to survive.

Despite the various different interpretations you can apply to this song, I guess it's what they lyrics mean to you. Beautiful song, truly beautiful.

problem is...Isadore is a male's name...Isadora is the female version...

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