Lyric discussion by jjordenn 

oh i have to add this too, from an interview with Jess Ginter: "And it's a lady's name, too. Rest, it's this ongoing thing. "Beth/Rest" the song, it just sounds like forever. It's kind of like timeless, and you can be lofted up into these very high places during that song. And that's what it sounds like to me. And I don't blame people for having their opinions, like, "It sounds like Steve Winwood." But I think for me, it's kind of silly to judge something based on some production facility. It's like my favorite song. It's the last thing I want you to go away with. It's like innocent. And I don't want it to be some '80s throwback song. I want it to be a current, I-get-lost-in-this song, and I love everything about it. And it has nothing to do any sort of collective social reason."

i mean gitner haha

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