Lyric discussion by anotherfuckingshalalala 

i think this song is about hedonism and partying, but realising at the end of the day that it doesnt bring you happiness in the long run.

Here we are, bending feet

  • here we are dancing In the dark before dreamless sleep
  • in darkness before we sleep well Cloaks that spot, that shiver, that breeze
  • bright outfits that stand out in the crowd ('spot'), and look like their alive. Throws you in the dark
  • immerses you in the darkness

Happiness it won't last long

  • the buzz is only temporary. And this child behind stores it all
  • the innocent part of me keeps all the memories The failed man's curse and the cost
  • bad luck and what happens when your 'nonchalant' Of nonchalance
  • of coolness. the price of being cool.

Thank you sly watchful gene

  • thanks tomy subconscious for making me do this A plastic life up my sleeve
  • partying is a substitute for a more boring life If you've followed this far you've realized nothing
  • if you only came here because of someone else you're stupid

Now your world is here Watch it disappear

  • your world is in excess, partying, drugs, when you come down it all disappears

Abacus haunting me Abacus watching me Abacus haunting me Abacus watching me

  • logic is haunting her. she knows the hedonistic life isnt a good life to live and the smart option is always in the back of her mind (the 'abacus'),

And it all plays out And it always comes around

  • you always come down, and your drug/alcohol abuse always comes around to hurt you The message fades but the mess prevails
  • the magic of being high or drunk, stoned or w.e leaves but the hangover/depression sticks ('mess prevails') You reckless thing leaving you in our hands
  • dunno about this line, i think shes personifying the abacus. partying and living a swinging lifestyle always brings her back to be haunted by what the logical choice is, 'leaving you in our hands'

All we have is this chance called memory

  • definitely the deepest line in the song, i might be reading too deep into this but the abacus was the first computer, and i think in this line the abacus is speaking. (stay with me :P), 'memory' on a computer is like, what its thinking about at any given time, and its volatile (it can be changed from one thing to another), so the abacus is identifying with the speaker and sayin, 'yeah i understand, all we have is what's right in front of us, live life in the present.' like i said i might be reading too far into it haha

great lyrics :D

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