Lyric discussion by knriddle 

Maybe it's just me, but I feel that with many Bon Iver songs, it's not necessarily what the words themselves mean. I'm sure that each word has a specific meaning, many of which we will never know.

But more than the words I feel like we're supposed to understand the feeling. After all, the music comes from the instruments and the rhythm and sound in the voice- not the words. For me, the song has a sense of desperation.

The beginning is trying to grasp the situation, then you get "Never gonna break" like never going to let go. And then the drop at "Doubled in the toes" (which is amazing) is that desperate plea. And then after that verse it's just calming back down to "Never gonna break" again.
I always look at his songs as something to be felt, not necessarily what the words mean.

"But more than the words I feel like we're supposed to understand the feeling."

Agreed. Thanks for the thoughts.

I couldn't disagree more. I hate when people assume the lyrics have no or lesser meaning. Having studied music in my past, the music and the lyrics are, when at their best, synergistic. They are intertwined, they become one, and the meaning of one without the other is dampened. People should be welcome to find their own meanings in the lyrics, but to say the lyrics are lesser than the can be an affront to a piece of music. It's a false dichotomy to make music and lyrics distinct, if there is integrity and strength to the music, as...

@kimbee How misunderstood. Knriddle clearly stated that the words in harmony with the instruments and the rhythm seem to convey the sense of desperation. Your opinion, though may be insightful, will not be welcomed in such arrogant and disrespectful manner.

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