Lyric discussion by emmylu94 

Of course, everyone is going to have a different interpretation of the song. I think in essence it means that the more you love, the more of a man you will be. Man was created. We are made to be and exist. But what is one thing every man (and I say man as a general term that applies to all persons)has in common? We all have the ability to love and be loved (true, selfless, pure, and sacrificial love). The more we love (not just in an emotional way like in a relationship) in the little ways in life, the more human and alive we are. It helps us fulfill our potential as a person because it was what we were made to do.

I like your interpretation of the song and agree with all of it except the part "we all have the ability to love and to be loved." Some in society built walls to insulate themselves from possible pain; they refrain from showing love and/or refuse to accept it. Some isolate themselves socially and/or physically. God's gives each of us the ability to love and to be loved, but it is a choice whether or not we choose to do either/both. I don't know if this is a contemporary Christian band, but the song sounds to me as though it's about...

According to Wili answers: "We're not a Christian rock band as such, the album deals with dilemmas every man deals with in life as do we. Faith is just one thing we've gone with. It's one subject that can't be ignored and we've tried to deal with it." Another article also indicated the band is heavily influenced by literary works, such as ones belonging to Shakespear. Interesting!

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