Lyric discussion by wisedome 

The only way to understand this song, is to understand her "Let Go" track. What the average person does not know, is that most of what is described as "angels" or "star children" in religious books and native cultures writing are in fact visitors. You find them in books from Bible to Sumerian texts. They were the angels who conveyed knowledge and instruction from "God" a long time ago.

This song basically the voice of her, Frou Frou, and them, the visitors. She, Frou is enlightened. She probably studied these things or stumbled across it out of curiousity. Having an obvious knowledge of meditation and from what I can only assume to be chakra aligning, she well, "burst the bubble". She better describes this in her track "Let Go." She literally sees a large portion of the light specturm that we cannot see, which adds up to about 99% of all light visible and "non-visible". It's normally referred to "The Kingdom of God". Rather beautiful to say the least. "Give me an hour and I'll give you your dreams" is bout the time it takes to activate specific, but will remain nameless, key points in the body and brain, and then let nature do the rest. That line is "them" talking to YOU, that is, if you understand.

Chances are, Frou Frou is now communicating a message to whoever is blessed enough to understand. Chances are, she has her 3rd eye open and is probably overwhelmed. When she is saying "I've seen them baby and I know it's real", she is really just refering to UFOs which anyone can do research on. Chances are she saw one in real life, so that probably changed her as a human being. It is entirely possible that these visitors revealed themselves to her while she was in deep meditation, sort of like the prophets of old. She is not the only artist who is like this, 90 percent of all music you listen to refers to this in some way. Coldplay, RHCP, U2, Moby, Jack Johnson, The Verve, I could go on and on.

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness."

I guarantee if you read your Bible again, you will see some things you will surely notice now.

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