Lyric discussion by Revidescent_84 

Okay, this song is about two different things. The funny part is, everyone has said one end or the other, but not both. Some people said it's about escapism essentially, finding a cause to make life worthwhile, and that is true. Chocolatesundae thinks its about drugs; that is also correct. Its about using some substance(almost any would fit applicably in context) to get by everyday without feeling like you're 'going through the motions' as E alludes to "This paint-by-numbers life." If you'd ever experienced such a shitty existence, you know how true the lyrics are. When you're coming down a.k.a. "sputtering out" and you're barely functioning, can't cope with any of it, might as well be a vegetable. But as long as you've got your drug of choice, you're fine, life is all of a sudden great, you can do this one more day. When you run out and come down, it's very 'gotta get it somewhere, anywhere, give it to me right fucking now' just to make your day bearable. You DO feel empty, antisocial, apathetic, and hollow. Like the way he describes the feeling is perfect, being "the great undead". He's very cynically addressing how the high gives him an artificial, saccharin happiness in the last verse.

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